I've given this some thought while taking a shit and thought hey I should totally bring back the Foamy Confessions even though they sucked it usually brought home a positive message to the family. So I kinda wanted peoples input on this considering Foamy has always been well a shitty character that nobody really wants to listen to. I havent made a flash movie in forever and half the time im to lazy to open up flash cause im out having sex. So I decided i might make some hot sex games for the portal involving big black guys and little white guys. For those of you who watch my flash movies all know they are highly immature and gay which is kinda funny because it pisses kids off usually who shouldnt be looking at porn. So why do I do this well mainly because when im on the computer I like to write and program and chat with random dudes and chicks. And lately ive wanted to create something I could wack off to.... So I hope to make hot sex games and the series you all love to hate Foamy Confession's. Enjoy my fail because its spreads like the disease most gay people get.