Well I decided I am going to plot out an online fighting game using flash 8. But I dont know how well its networking capability is and if I could create good interaction between other players without latency problems. The idea behind it is to have an RPG fighting server and a regular fighting server where people play off skill only and not attributes they gained. Me and a buddy of mine are gonna be working with php and flash 8 and im hoping that php is a good server tool for fast character interaction but I have little experience in this field. I am in need of some input on ideas of networking technology thats compatible with flash 8. I want to also have a unique character creation tool that im gonna be developing to allow people to paste images of their face and put in expression faces for when they get hit and such or their character could simply be a drawing they made in the art tool im gonna develop in flash as well. Im going to use a mysql database to save character profiles that people create. All in all i hope im successful but as I say all input is greatly appreciated