Can't blame Zell =D
I would probibly be stareing at quistis boobs to. But hey that was hilarious. geez its a brilient idea you did. I think this deserves front page and top 50 =D. Oh and I must compliment on the good use of Final Fantasy Music that was fricking brilent.
But There are a couple things you really should have added to the movie. I didnt see any final fantasy 9 charactors in it? I think it would have been really good if you at least put in vivi I think vivi would have been good. Other wise brillent nothing bad about it.
(Ideas for the next episode) if you make another one I would love to see you put in yuna, and rikku being lesbians but that is just one of my hentai fantasys =D
wow I dont think I can make something this good. But then again nothing is imposible. I hope you make a sequel to this funny flash.